ROI by 20%
Productivity by30%
Lifecycle by 15%
Chameleons are a distinctive and highly specialized species best known for their distinct range of colors, being capable of shifting to different hues and degrees of brightness with a capacity to change. Chameleons are distinguished by their far reaching projectile tongues, their independently mobile eyes, which been separate, allow individual images to be analyzed by his brain evaluating accurately his environment in real time through a stereoscopic vision. Chameleons’ prehensile tail offers stability and is often referred to as a "fifth limb’’.
S2N Hypervisor smart Node Cloud, like a Chameleon, transforms, on demand, either into a Platform, an Infrastructure provider, or in a Meta SW Layer to support XaaS applications subscribers & generate for them, custom, Technological Transformation, Smart Life Cycle Services, or, generating, on demand, convenient AI Layers, and States. So S2N solutions are like a Chameleon, distinctive and highly specialized, capable of shifting to different hues and degrees of any customer needs (automating the impossible), far reaching rapid projectile targets, before any competitor may even think of it, use effectively S2N’s independently mobile smart reflexes and functionalities, to prevent any end-users problem even before it occurs, evaluating accurately his operational environment, in real time, through an holistic stereoscopic vision of his processes, and finally exploit her long and rich intellectual property and background to offer scalable indefinitely innovation and stability, S2N’s fifth sense.